Originally Posted by joecool544
Doesn�t the big trophy animal deserve the same respect that you would give a little dink animal on a normal hunt? I know there are a lot of hunters with that attitude very sad. frown

I take this an entirely different way. For the little dink animal, especially on "normal hunts" you are constantly given better opportunities so there's no reason to choose the hard shot. It's not giving the trophy less respect; it's simply not being able to choose the easy shot for him because it may never come. You can't make a choice not available to you.

This thread is about each of us deciding what the maximum amount of risk (based purely on range) is that we personally deem acceptable; with which we'll pull the trigger and still be able to look at ourselves in the mirror.

Nobody is advocating that just because this risk is acceptable if it's your only choice that one seeks it. We all want to minimize risk as much as possible. There's no reason to take the 99% shot if you get 100% opportunities every day.

If the horns are big enough, I'm going to put a thumpin' on a buck waaay out there if I'm sure I can make the shot. Will I fill my doe tag at the same distance? Hell no, why on earth would I when I know I can get one at rock throwing range any time I want?

That's all I think he meant and if so I feel the same way. The only disrespect would be taking a risky shot if you knew you could get closer but were too lazy, etc. If you know this is the best choice you're going to get and feel confident in the shot, there's no disrespect there.