Originally Posted by VAnimrod
Originally Posted by Kimpek
Wow this place is exciting! After reading this it is apparent that Sean is more screwed up than anyone else on this thread and I feel sorry for those people that have to deal with him!

I'll take the 4 dozen or so here that've met me, and their thoughts, over your guesses, any day.

Still doesn't change splat's options, though, does it?

As per usual, folks just don't seem to want to look at facts.
He has, exactly, two choices...other than whining, that is.

The facts are, Art has something that does not belong to him that he will not return. (undisputed fact, no?)

Splat has alot more choices than sue or STFU. One of them is bringing it up on a public forum as many times
as he chooses. It tells alot about a person that thinks suit is the only answer.