Originally Posted by 458 Lott
Originally Posted by Ackleyfan
Originally Posted by Magnumdood
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
Mob mentality is an interesting phenomena, not pretty, but interesting.

Really? How does this thread meet the definition of "Mob mentality"?

It doesn't!

Oh really? Somebody in the streat cries they've been wronged, and the crowd gathers with tar and feathers in hand. How is that not mob mentality? Some people have a personal beef with Art and are taking advantage of this thread to attack him. Others have been wronged in the past by someone completely unrealated to this issue, yet are using this venue to vent their frustrations and someone attack everyone that has wronged, or is percieved to have wronged someone. Yet there are still others that simply want to attack from the sidelines, because that is the way they are�.

Do you think you could broaden your definition a little? You missed the Aka, Ef� and Mbuti pygmies of central Africa.