Originally Posted by teal
I'm saying that Splat's request for his return might not hinge just sending something back that Art agreed to work on for free. That's Splat may or may not have agreed to other terms and hasn't lived up to them yet.

There's more here than what Splat's presented. IIRC in the last or the one before that, thread where he's pulled this - he ended up admitting it wasn't EXACTLY as presented. Art's mentioned that Splat's not been exactly honest or had the same story on just who did the rough cut on the stock to begin with - there's enough smoke there for me to think Splat's not always 100% on just how the story goes.

You all carry on - I'm done with this. But I will say this - I'd trust Sean and Art with my last dollar long before I'd trust Splat with a spare lightbulb based upon what I've seen here at the 'fire (entire body of work, not just one thread) and I've not met or done business with either Sean or Art.


I view them a little different than you, I will tell you that splat has got things rolling this much I do know, I don't know anyone involved ,but no matter what this should not have gone this far, and I would trust splat long before art or nimrod based on their actions alone!