Originally Posted by Ackleyfan
Originally Posted by AKBoater

If you knew the half of it you'd know that Sean is the only person other than Splatter and Art that has a true understanding of this issue.

It' doesn't matter what nimrod knows the OP want's his property back... end of story!

Unless what Splat says here and what he's told Sean/Art privately are two different things.

Consider Splat's called Sean in the past about the situation and Sean has dealt with Art in the situation - a mediation of sorts.
There IS the possability that what Splat's saying here isn't what he's said there or agreed to there.

Quite frankly - Sean's not sticking up for Art (as those who can't read for content are asserting) as much as he's telling Splat to hike up his skirt and actually do something other than bitch and moan.

Sean's right - he has 2 choices if he feels like he's a victim of theft (regardless as to if he is or isn't) - he can file a police report or do nothing. All the crying in the world here doesn't change those choices.

Lets assume Art sold the stock to take a trip to Fiji - in the end Splat has the same choice - DO SOMETHING or do nothing and if it's nothing - Shut up already. Worse than some chick complaing that so and so doesn't like them.

Friggen DO SOMETHING about it. Sure it sucks that someone would have to sue/file a report but damn it if this isn't working then do it.

Wondering why Spat won't just call the local DA/LEO office up in AK and file a report? It's a phugging phone call - not expensive and at the least they can direct him to the best way to end this. I'm guessing here that the story we have here won't jive with any story he'd have to tell law enforecment and any "misleading truths" to them might worry him a touch more than "misleading truths" here.
