For all of you nay saying muther [bleep] that don't have a dog in this fight I say your all a bunch of Art ass kissers. We live in the United States and the last time I checked the constitution allowed you to have and possess your own personal property. The [bleep] stock belongs to splatter...we all can agree on that I hope. He sent it to dip wad Art to fix it and if Art was any man at all he would have sent it back, fixed or unfixed, with a charge for services; but either [bleep] way the stock belongs to splatter. If any of your other guys that belong to the "old chronys" club had the slightest little problem with your rifle the rest of the cry baby club would have come running with a hundred posts to hold your hand, call the local law, or represent him for free in a court of law. Where are all the men on this board? Here we have a member...not only a member but a moderator no less that has had a man's property for well over a year and not only will he not respond to him, he won't give the man his own [bleep] property back. [bleep] all you spineless Chronys!

I had a similar thing happen with another Moderator on this site when he wanted a Model 12 shotgun I had for sale. Everyone who has ever done business w/me knows that if your not satisfied w/what I send get your money back no questions asked. Instead he lies about the gun and says that it wouldn't hold a shell in the magazine. When I got the gun back and tried a shell it worked perfectly. When I confronted him about it he became angry started a smear campaign about my knowledge and character and even threatened me w/physical violence. I shut him up by saying,"you didn't have to lie about the gun, if you didn't like it for any reason you knew you could send it back for a full refund." But no he chose to lie instead of just doing the simple, manly thing of being honest.

Another of your favorite chronys is always bragging about changing the world one 7mm Mashburn at a time. His favorite lines are send me your phone # and I'll walk you through the process, whatever you need to know just contact me, I'll help you any way I can. He's had my phone # for over a month. Guess how many calls I have received? If the world is waiting on him to change the world with one of these rifles at a time they've got a hell of a long wait!

So for all of you gutless wannebe's that enjoy riding on the shirtails of the rich, famous, and popular, I say [bleep] all of you! Be a man for once in your life and do the right thing for a change.

1. Art send the man his stock back finished or belongs to him.
2. One's honor and integrity is worth more than any damn gun!
3. I don't really care if you like what I just wrote it's the truth and the truth sometimes hurts. powdr

I use to think Jim62 was just kind of a smart aleck, a know it all...but he's proved me wrong on this post and I count him as a man of integrity...from this day forwad!Put RG Raider and 264 Man in that company as well.

VA Nimrod I use to think you were an OK guy but you really showed your Chrony ass on this I need to send out a special "[bleep] You" to you! It ought to be illegal to be as [bleep] stupid as you are! powdr

Last edited by powdr; 08/21/11.