Not on me but with one of my rifles. Had a reall comando, ninja 5th degree black belt type ask me if he could shoot my old 300 Wby built on a FN by Wby in 1954 for an uncle of mine.

I said sure but when you start bleeding please don't drop my rifle. He smirked and proced to open his head enough that it took over 20 stitches to close. Saw him a week later and one eye was still swollen shut and everything above his cheeks to his hairline was black and blue. He didn't drop the gun but had blood dripping off of his nose before I could grab it out of his hands.

That old gun has pretty substantial recoil, but it really jumps when you crank it up with 180's.

I tried to warn him but I think he believed the 5th degree black belt made him bullet proof?