I've started going out of my way NOT to buy camo. However, the "camo mentality" is so entrenched in the industry that it is sometimes difficult to find non-camo gear.

I'd like to have some Cabelas Micro-Tec pants and shirt but they don't make solid colors. Same with the Wooltimate line, all camo. I've bought some LL Bean heavy wool cargo pants in the past year and a solid olive green Columbia soft shell jacket. Not top-of-the-line gear but plenty functional for me and not priced at absurd prices.

I see all types of gear, for instance a rangefinder, that is like $10-$20 more for the camo version vs. plain black.

Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

Originally Posted by Calvin
As far as gear goes.. The poorer (or cheaper) you are, the tougher you need to be.
