To the guy just getting started, like most of us, I suspect that you may have a somewhat limited budget for items that are used only for hunting.
Please focus your hunting clothes dollar more on the function of the item than the camo pattern. Warmth or waterproof-ness, "quiet" cloth, all trump camo pattern. The good news there is that these positive attributes are most often found in a camo pattern. Don't agonize over which one or pay a premium for the latest and greatest gimmick.

I grew up in a time where the only guys who had camo were bird hunters, followed later by the bow hunters. I killed a lot of stuff before I ever had much camo, including a fair number of called coyotes while wearing flannel shirts and blue jeans. (pure heresy!)

Some have mentioned face covering above - that is truly very important. The human face shines like a lantern in many hunting circumstances.

I once read one of these internet forums where a bunch of guys were trash-talking a guy who had made a very successful coyote calling video, their trash talk relating to the fact that he was wearing tennis shoes instead of camo'ed boots - no way could the footage not be fake... A bunch of guys showing how deeply they'd drank the kool-aid. And people wonder how Obama got elected...

Focus those dollars on fit and function to afford yourself more time out hunting and shooting. That is far more important than camo pattern.

Have a good day man. In honor of personal freedom and the open squirrel season, I think I'll go put a hole through dinner's head.