Originally Posted by kududude

I hunted coyotes and bobcats with a guide down in Texas. The guide had video of himself shooting a double on coyotes and several bobcats while wearing a Santa Claus suit.

He was in the open, so the predators could fully see him. He simply did not move.

Movement, not color or pattern, makes all the difference.

Most camoflage is simply marketing.

Sit on a sand hill in west texas wearing black and trying to call coyotes in to kill before you try and feed me BS. Yea, in sept or oct you can prove your point- on those young, dumb pups of the year.

Always remember when hunting, are you wanting the young dumb one, or the old smart one. Animals are like people in some ways. Some are smart and some are dumb, be it coyotes, geese, deer or elk.

All bozos know that for dove you can wear blue jeans and white tee shirt and red cap and have a party downing them and beer, the first weekend. They mop up on the immature spotted wings the first couple weeks of season then they quit hunting as the birds just aren't coming in.

For the mature and big northern birds moving in later and you best be keeping your trap closed and camoed behind a mesquite bush or they will locate you from their afternoon perch after feeding and before assaulting the evening waterhole from a few hundred yards away and leave you high and dry for an un-gunned waterhole elsewhere.

Last edited by eyeball; 08/01/13.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants.

If being stupid allows me to believe in Him, I'd wish to be a retard. Eisenhower and G Washington should be good company.