I best interject before this becomes a Martha Stewart marathon...

Goal: Drop from 225-220. Drink in moderation so my hands don't shake Monday mornings. Get back to squats, cleans, and deadlift and less pushups/pullups/running. Make sure I don't look like a pansy when hunting/backpacking with my son this year.

Monday: 30 burpees w/pullups (not sure what these are actually called.) 1 1/2 run.

Tuesday: Five sets of 10 of clean and jerks. Light weight so I can get back into form. 5 sets of 10 flat bench. Very little/no rest between sets. Planks.

Wednesday: 4 mile run. (On the gay-mill)

Thursday: 50 pullups (not straight but as fast as you can) 5 sets of 10 for deadlifts. 5 sets to failure of dips. 15 minutes bike.

Friday: 4 mile run (outside and I was dying because I have used the treadmill a lot this winter)

Diet: I don't eat schit and I don't like sugar. All my meals are cooked from raw or frozen foods. Probably at about a case of beer for the whole week and maybe a quarter bottle of gin. Which is real good for me. Every Friday I gorge on my favorite pizza because if I can't enjoy my favorite pizza once a week I might as well climb to the top of a mountain and blow my [bleep] head off.

Gonna be a good year.


Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house