
You AMAZINGLY Stupid Kchunt. Only you would swoon a blued/walnut Goat Fhuqk wearing windage adjustable rears and a scope that you were only 30+ years late in "discovery". Bless your heart.

Now to frost the cake,you are going to laude Ping Pong Ball BC's and never draw a drop of blood from it?!? That is VERY exciting "news" and pardon my having to feign "surprise" at the heralded unveiling. Laughing!

You never don't not deliver oblivious hilarity,by simply doing your best! On a good day,whattaya figure them bitchin' 154's leave the muzzle at? Cain't wait to hear the 160 and 175NPT "particulars". Laughing!

I'm crying...I'm laughing soooooooooooo fhuqking hard! You couldn't knock the new offa used pair of boots. Congratulations?!?

Wow +P++........................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."