
Stupidity isn't a fhuqking "standard"'s a fhuqking plight and here's to the sanctity of your INCREDIBLE Dumbfhuqktitude and the oblivious humor it reliably reaps. Congratulations?!?

I'll feign my "surprise",that thoughts of me being nude consume you and you's farrrrrrrrr more comfy in musing that,than anything The Rifle.

Bless your heart.



On the average,how many hours a day,do you spend plagiarizin'? Ain't it a fhuqking hoot,that if you applied 1/10 of that time to sourcing empty pop cans,you'd not need to layaway a Goat Fhuqk piece of schit?

You really get after it!



Them who do the least,wield Imaginary Pretend Ignore the most.

Yet another of Life's many constants..................


This WILL be funnier than fhuqk! Muse some "particulars",in regards as to how you landed on TAC and the platform(s) which enabled the well "thought" out "decision",due your "experience","knowledge" and "results".


Cain't know which is funnier...the pending silence or your being fhuqking STUPID enough to try and take a stab at 'er?!?

Don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt.



Them who shoot the least...attribute increased noise,increased recoil,increased drop,increased,drift and increased nothingness as viable "attributes" in their "pursuits".

It remains a hilarious fhuqking constant,that nothing could be further from the truth,but Imagination and Pretend are very "real" to many. Laughing!

Never been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't. Few things is funnier,than The Schit Mount and Glass Factory Fodder Crowd,tryin' to extoll a headstamp.

Bless their hearts.................


If/when someone of repute unleashes a .257" Boolit worth a fhuqk,I'd happily re-kickstart The Quarter Bore Herd...up to and including the 257Wby.

It's too easy to slap the [bleep] outta all things .257",if only because boolits matter far more than headstamps.

Such simplistic facts,reliably beffudle Boobs...................


It reliably mindfucks the Delusional Factory Fodder Crowd,at just how fast the parachute activates with Ping Pong Balls.

Have yet to have anyone visit,that didn't gear up veddy veddy differently...from the schit which the "thought" was great,prior to arrival. I'm purty good for the economy and better yet,for reliable results.

FUNNY how it actually works....................(grin)


You really get after it!


The Texas version of simpy fhuqking hilarious.

IF you only had a fhuqking FIRST Clue.

Wow +P++!................


Facts ain't the astute.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."