Here in La we get 6 whitetail tags per season, 3 doe/3 buck or 2 buck/4 doe. In addition you can get deer management tags(doe tags) if your property is enrolled in the program. I hunt multiple properties, one of which is in DMAP, so I get 8 tags per season. Combine that with tags from other states and it's easy to get more than one needs for sure. I used to punch nearly all of my tags, but have gotten more selective in recent years. I don't keep count, but would have to guess I've killed 150 whitetail and probably over 100 of other species.

You have to consider season length in addition to tags. Here in La we can hunt from Oct 1 through Jan 31 and most of that is rifle. I wouldn't expect to kill near as many in states with short seasons.

Good luck this season,
