300-400 deer allowed a year?! Holy Smacks Batman!

Here's how it works in Northern California (Formerly called Oregon)

Oregonians (California transplants and homegrown granola-munching tree-hugger hippies) outlaw hunting cougars with hounds in 1993-4? An estimated 6200 cougars now each eat 1 deer (or sometimes elk) per week. that's 6200 cats eating 52 deer a year. Minus a few for elk calves and lets call it 45 deer a year, X 6200 cats= 279,000 deer killed each year by cats. With a deer population of about 500,000, and factoring in reproduction, car kills, habitat loss (thanks California transplants), deer in Oregon are pretty much screwed.

We get one buck tag a year on the west side (east side is lottery only) and a doe tag or two if you're inclined and lucky. Actually tagging a buck is another story altogether as most guys don't get one due to low populations.

So the average guy here gets one every two or three years.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack