Compared to some of y'all I've not shot many at all. Truthfully, I don't even know. I don't keep track, but I probably could come up with a number...but I don't need to. I'm not in a contest. I can hunt, I can shoot trophy deer, I can shoot spikes and does. At some point, they all get me excited.

Some years I'm pretty gung-ho about getting a deer. Some years I'm gung-ho about being at deer camp with the crew or just in the woods myself enjoying my time.

I take a few weeks off in November. That's the vacation I look forward too all year. It's my time to reset my brain.

I enjoy being at the camp at least as much as I do hunting. Don't get me wrong, there is still a thrill to kill a deer and make meat for my family. We all enjoy it.

But to now see the excitement in my son's eyes as we get stands ready, get food lists together, talk about shot placement, stand placement, where would be a good place to still hunt....his excitement gets me fired up and he's never shot a deer.

Camp is where you make it.