Originally Posted by Magnumdood
Originally Posted by Miss Herv� Villechaize
ThemThose that do the least,need least, need Imaginationimagination the most, and 'squeeze more than qualifies on all levels.
Describe the levels
. Bless herhis heart.

She'sHe's the KungFuKung Fu Master with "albums" full of "1000's" of picturepictures of herhis "conquests",yet"conquests", yet she'she's
stumped withby the very things shehe claims to "own". Typical Mall Ninja Bullschitt.

I enjoy the notion of "riddles",ifriddles, if only because 2 + 2 is a "riddle"riddle to those who haven't the faculties to knowascertain the answer.
The Do-Nothing Gang is always eager to illuminate their shortcomings and few can outdo the nothingness of 'squeeze.

His "best"best is a feeble foible of herhis Imaginationimagination and then it gets ugly from there. SheHe has a
"version"version of everything,yeteverything, yet
curiously enough, none of them bear fruit,despitefruit, despite his frequent follies to reaffirm samethe same.

Rough day here. I can understand; I'm sure I missed more than a few of your mistakes.
There were so MANY of them it would have been easier for me to have rewritten the entire passage for you.

Your writing sux Miss Villechaize.


It never ain't not a pleasure,when you feel compelled to flaunt your copious stupidity...if only because it's not an act. I savvy that you are in awe on many levels,hang feverishly upon my every word and that it reliably surfaces a number of your insecurities,which you wield like a Mall Ninja's sword as you live vicariously in wanton angst. Quite a spectacle to grant you the bandwidth to wax eloquent on all,under the auspice of feigning a clue. Hardly a secret,that noone writes purtier than I and that I paint a clear/concise picture in the most succinct of manners. I get it that you haven't the faculties to keep pace with the breadth of intel and are forced to use yourself as a barometer of evaluation,which is the most slippery of slopes. Take notes and apply same,quit falling for the ruse of "thinking" for yourself,it ain't purty.

Mebbe you and JeffO oughtta consider a chart,if only to put all into perspective,so you Do-Nothing Boobs can quantify your nothingness. Happy Imagination to you and let's hope a fire is lit in same and that you remain powerless to refrain commenting through contrived notions of your pretend World. Looking forward to your penning a right proper School Marm concoction,illuminating more of your "knowledge","experience" and "intellect". Feel free to insert as much Imagination as you deem requisite,so as to curtail the realities of your couch riding/BonBon eating "Adventures". Bless your heart.

Only fair to add reality,if only to fuel that Imagination of your's.

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