Originally Posted by fish head
First off, just to be clear, Harry Reid is a POS.

I'm having a hard time buying into the Chinese solar plant theory though. It doesn't add up and for several reasons.

1) If the Chinese wanted to spend 5 billion dollars on a solar farm they could afford to buy some cheap desert land.

2) Locating the plant near Laughlin makes sense. There was a coal fired power generating facility near Laughlin that was shot down in 2005. Locating a new facility near there gives access to the power grid without stringing new power lines.

For reference ...


actually they DID string new power lines, on the road from quartzsite up to bouse. Couldn't figure out why they were putting in those nice new poles and lines,sure as heck know now. They are in the process of deactivating/shutting down coal generators in northern arizona, even tho that puts navajo's out of work. And the plants supplied the power to pump water out of the colorado to lift up the hill to the canal which runs all the way down to tuscon. Accross property originally owned by some prominent democratic elected officials. Must not forget that bridge accross the river at laughlin they were purposing too, seem ol harry reid might have owned the land on the nevada side where the road would have connected.