Originally Posted by toad
Originally Posted by captchee
Originally Posted by toad

Originally Posted by Bristoe

It's not an entitlement if it's the "people's land".

"the people" are not just those who agree with you. it seems "the people" have spoken when the courts decided against Bundy twice.

Ahhh no sorry , the people did not speak , the BLM spoke . Not one of those laws that the court had to consider , was actually voted on by either the people be they federally or within the state . NOR were they written up in a bill , submitted to congress and thus passed through due process. So in NO way did the people have any voice in this

it was not the BLM vs. Bundy, it was The United States of America vs. Bundy...

You do understand the US part right ?
See it wasn�t the US as in we the people �US � it was the US as in a federal government agency .
You can Cry TAYLOR ACT all day long doesn�t change the fact that the �act� was made prior to the BLM establishment .
But if you want to use it then at least recognize that under that act the Bundy family had recognized grazing rights for that land . Specific rights that were justified by water rights .
Now enter the BLM and their endangered species. Well factually probably herry reed but still a belly crawler . THEY and only THEY made the new law which justified the reduction of grazing rights which were recognized before , during and after the glorified TAYLOR act .
Those BLM laws were what the court had to rule on as they were the laws Bundys cattle were in violation of breaking.

Show me where , anywhere , that your elected congressman voted on any of that . I don�t care if the president signed it . That doesn�t mater the president cannot make law out side of executive order , . Congress and only congress makes laws by voice/ representation of the people . Thus only the people by way of their duel elected representatives can make law.
the people did NOT speak , the BLM spoke as they made the law . A law that Bundy doesn�t recognize . Factually NONE of us should recognize. Thus he refused to pay

When you were a child , did your parents ever tell you not to do something and when you ask why they said; because I said so .
Well that�s the BLM that�s what they do . They make laws because they say so . The people don�t make them through congress . Nor did obama or any other president for that mater , make the law that this judge had to accepted because they did it by executive order .
Nope , the BLM came up on this all on their little own

that�s the power your telling us we have to accept , the problem is that a vast majority of us don�t .
OHHh ya we go along with it because if we don�t , we will end up like Bundy

Well I shouldn�t say we as I/ my family doesn�t have any real ranch anymore . But then there is the little problem that the BLM also has jurisdiction on private land MMMMMM , now that maybe even more complicated as they could come back and tell bundy he cant have cattle even on his deeded land because of some rare desert Nat, that resides in the now designated wetlands around his cattle trough .Thus for any reason if that water supply stops ,IE he refuses to pay the pwer bill for the pump . guess what the judge would have to rule in violation of the law for that to

Last edited by captchee; 04/19/14.

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