Originally Posted by Mule Deer
There was a link on this thread to another Ganyana article about various rifle actions, but apparently some people think all articles by a certain author are the same article. (These may or may not be different people than those who comment on articles they haven't read.)

I was trolling, figuring that if so many couldn't recognize the unique context in which the comments in the OP were made they might not recognize the same regarding rifle actions.

You're supposed to tell me all about all the NA game you've killed with the rifles he suggested were sub-par for a PH in Africa to prove how wrong he is.

Or maybe someone would if I were to start a thread using that article as OP? Of course now I've given up the element of surprise...

Originally Posted by Mule Deer
Then there are people who believe all gun writers write the same things. Eileen and I once had a table at the Bozeman gun show, and one guy who stopped finally figured out I was a gun writer, due to all the gun books by me on the table. He immediately went into a rant about how !!!!ALL GUN WRITERS!!!! say the .270 !!!!ISN'T ENOUGH!!!! for any AFRICAN GAME!!!!

That one cracked me up.

I am a banker and I got bawled out the other day for low interest rates that don't encourage people to save. Not only did this gentleman fail to recognize that I wasn't a member of the Fed (much less the chair) but he also seemed to think that all bankers agree low interest rates in the best interest of our business.

I just say that to suggest that, as you well know I am sure, we all experience that sort of I'll-informed criticism.