Originally Posted by tjm10025
Originally Posted by renegade50
Originally Posted by tjm10025

Next time I buy a Ford I'm going to get a sworn affidavit from the salesman that he's not a Democrat and his wife does not donate any portion of their family income to an anti-hunting organization.

gawt dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............

I buy my groceries at a Kroger supermarket. I'm afraid to even ask what those [bleep] contribute to.

You're missing the point and exemplifying why this country is where this country is.

'Oh, he's ok, sure he voted for Obama but he likes guns'

'Sure, the store I shop at donated $500K to Obama, but I would need to drive another 10 miles to go to a store that didn't

Etc, etc

Point being, people are pretty strong on their convictions, UNLESS it hits there wallet or becomes an inconvenience.

This is the reason it will take HUGE shift in the tectonic plates to right this. People don't have the conviction, unless it's against a baker that won't do a cake for their Big Gay Greek Wedding.

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"