I have a neighbor that is a grown man, +-40, but special needs... Can not drive a car but rides a wheel 40-50 miles a day.

About a mile from my house the other day I drive around a curve and have to slam on brakes to keep from rear ending the last car in a line of backed up traffic, maybe 5 cars in the line.
It appears that neighbor, David, had spotted a turtle crossing the road, parked his wheel in the middle of the road and was in the process of blocking traffic, like a traffic cop, holding traffic in both directions.

I pulled over as I knew David and walked up to where he was, picked up the turtle and put him down on the side of the road in direction in which he was traveling.

Tried to explain to David but not too sure he understood.

Never a boring moment.. Entertaining thread too smile

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
Thomas Jefferson

GeoW, The "Unwoke" ...Let's go Brandon!

"A Well Regulated Militia" Life Member