Originally Posted by deflave
Hey, shrap. I never did seal the deal on one of those horses but remember the shot I made on this black bear?

[Linked Image]

Hmmm. Did you get the black bear the same place you kilt gophers?

Originally Posted by deflave

I'm super drunk and need to get to sleep but I wanted to relay a story to you before I pass out. So if I may...

I took a load of schit I don't need (and one dog) to the Will Creek dump yesterday. This dump is not far from one of my all time favorite gopher spots so I thought I would stop in and thank them for the ten years of hospitality they've granted since I moved here. After the dump drop I make the long drive up the driveway and I was welcomed by about 30 born-n-raised Hi-Liners staring at me like the idiot that I am. They're covered in dirt and smell like burnt cow hair. Yep. Branding day. And I'm the ass-hole in basketball shorts and flip-flops driving a 1980 Boyota. Jesus Fugkin' Christ. I got balls but exiting the vehicle whilst that Busch Light drinking crew stared right through me kinda made me uncomfortable. They of course are all wearing the Wranglers they painted on that morning and hats that convey they actually work for a living.

Thank the fugkin' Lord I knew one guy in the crowd but he took no mercy on me. Didn't say schit. So I called him out by name. "Hi Bobby!" "Hey Travis" was his reply but in a fugk you I like seeing you uncomfortable kinda way. I tell him and another guy I just stopped by to tell the landowner I was moving and just wanted to thank him for letting me shoot on his place all these years. But of course, if you really wanted to thank a guy you'd be helping brand, right? Holy schit I felt like an ass-hole.

So long story short, I end up finding the landowner and thank him for all his years of hospitality. He was beyond smashed and replied "Who the fugk are you?" It was awful. Absolutely awful. One of the most awkward moments you could imagine. The guy standing next to him told me to just come back and talk to him later. I explained I was moving to Florida and his reply was "What the fugk you gonna do in Florida?" Awful. Horrendous. Most awkward encounter you could imagine.

One rancher took pity on me as I was walking away and said "Don't feel bad. He wouldn't even know who I am if I said hello right now."

That made me feel slightly better as I drove on down the road.
