Originally Posted by Cheyenne
Birdwatcher, I'd be willing to bet that schools were high on the due diligence list.

You’ll have to explain, you suggesting I’m a perv? <“shrug”>

Other than that, have you spent much time outside in the sun down here? Up north the difficult season is the winter on account of the intense cold. Down here the difficult season is the summer, on account of the intense sunlight. I deal with it every day. In the old days ever’body knew how to dress for the sun, big hats, long sleaves, now you got people out frying in Realtree gimme caps and t-shirts.

The guy is moving to a major metropolitan area with three kids, prob’ly all his schooling experience as an actual parent has been Podunk MT, before he spends $200,000 plus over the years on private schools, might help to know that some public schools get outstanding results. It’s all gonna be the parents anyhow.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744