Originally Posted by Yondering
Ok. I really don't care much what you want to call it; I don't throw my magazines on the concrete floor for practice. It's entirely possible they'll hit the ground in a fight, but that's the least of my worries at that point.

To clarify, I don't throw my magazines on the ground. It's just that I don't treat them special just because I am at the range, and emergency reloads are a skill that I like to practice. Magazines are wear items, consumables. I would prefer that they don't break as fast as this one, but I would rather know the quirks of the gun than find out in a jam. Guns that I wear a lot get banged around a lot. I do tend to keep some magazines more pristine primarily for carry, after they are checked out. (P.S. At this point, I probably will see how the magazine continues to function with the crack.)

I think this issue also lends some credence to my concerns expressed earlier about the thinness of the side panels of the gun's grip.

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