Originally Posted by Fireball2
"You get what you give". No, not really.

If you've ever raised children, you know they aren't all the same. Some respond to kindness and give little trouble, always eager to please, get good grades. Some require harsh discipline and are a constant struggle, in trouble alot, in and out of jail when older, alcoholics, whatever. Same parents, same opportunities, different people.

If you "Get what you give", why are criminals breaking into homes and beating up 90 year old women? Why are women raped? Why are people murdered? Because they first murdered someone?

The truth is while an act of kindness often begets an act of kindness, often people get nothing that they've given. In this life there will be trouble, and it is most often not in direct response to trouble that was first given, it just happens.

When people do bad things to someone, it often has nothing to do with some bad thing you first did to them. The truth is there are people with pathologies that either prey on other people opportunistically or deliberately.

And for Charlie, I noticed your thread by the name "You get what you give". In it you say you said nice things about me but it fell on deaf ears. Did it? I thanked you for them. I'm not sure why you say "It fell on deaf ears", because it did not.

Another example of you do not always get what you give.

This is an easy one if you ask me, and it has everything to do with us living and condoning a more Godless society every single day, and it's quite obvious. We even live in a country where educated and so called "civilized" people support the murdering of millions of innocent, unborn, unable to defend themselves babies every year, and nobody seems to care. America has a heart problem, a human condition problem, and it's not going to get any better.

It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.