Originally Posted by FieldGrade
Originally Posted by Fireball2
No, it' really simple. There's a crowd here that has an anything goes set of rules. They scream and wail and GFY en masse to try to fit into the cool crowd, then they tell everyone else what they can and can't say. When they call someone names and say nasty things about his wife, it's fine. Any other time, any other poster, wives are off limits. Hell one poster asked if my kid was dead yet.

Of course the only comeback for any of this is to attack the person saying it, so proceed.

That's terrible......it's almost like you're the victim or something.

No, Dave's the victim, as all of you have made very clear. He never starts anything, he's just the poor helpless victim of an innernet stalker. Poor Dave, never does nothin wrong but every time he gets the blame. Framed!

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack