Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by lvmiker
Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter
Look on the bright side most are not willing to work hard for an animal. So get off the roads and hike a little, you'll probably be the only one out there. At least that is how it has worked for me so far.

This^^^ There is a lot more to hunting than just killing something. I would rather hunt hard in the mountains and fail than kill a giant critter in Texas.

mike r

Statements like this show just how ignorant some hunters can be. There are hard hunts, easy hunts, and everything in between here, just like most every other State I would imagine.

There are certainly many worthy hunts to be had in Texas. Not everything there is high fence. Just putting out a feeder doesn't guarantee a Trophy animal. Knocking others legal means of hunting is just as harmful as being an anti-hunter. Hunting styles differ for reasons, What works in the hardwoods of the Northeast may not work in Texas or the Northwest. As those in the southwest tactics may not work back East or in the Northwest. We all need to stick together, if a certain hunting style doesn't fit your liking don't partake in it.

Big animals Like to live in one of two places for the most part. Either in town where they know they are safe or way in the backcountry away from people! Can you kill a good animal off the road? Of course. But the truth is roads get hunted hard and the crowds generally don't wander far from the road or easy accessible trails. Any halfway knowledgable Public Land Hunter knows that. I don't knock Ranch hunters, road hunters (provided they follow the laws) or even high fence hunters.

Call me ignorant if it floats your boat. But I stand with any legal hunter no matter his choice of methods. Methods I don't care for I won't partake in it's that simple.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.