I'll agree these shows are not doing much to recruit new hunters....but they're encouraging casual hunters to take advantage of a lot more opportunity, and they're certainly promoting public access to public land. I see that as a good thing.

It does suck watching the draw odds go down. I've seen some of my favorite tags in Wyoming go from 100% odds third choice to less than 100% odds first choice just in the last few years, but it is what it is, and it is generally putting a positive light on the sport of hunting to the fence sitting, non-hunting folks. I am just waiting for some of my favorite general season areas to go to a draw, as more and more hunters buy tags and crowd the woods. It sucks but I can see some good in it. I have also been seeing a lot more people who throw their trash in the woods, 4x4 off road and generally be a complete ass in the hunting grounds.

There's good and bad effects to most all actions, I guess.