I can't support BHA any more either and I hope some of their people are reading this. I joined early on, when they were a fledgling organization. I still believe in their stated mission, which is preserving roadless areas for hunting and fishing. Those who say that goal is "elitist" and/or "only suitable for physically fit 25 year-olds" are way off base. Putting in the hard work it takes to hike in and pack out your animal so as not to be surrounded by the "Orange Army" is hardly elitist and the vast majority of public lands have roads for people who want motorized access. And I've known more than one 60+ year-old who prefers to "use the quads God gave you," including myself.

Anyway, back to BHA. I joined and contributed for one purpose and one purpose only--keeping roadless areas roadless and open to hunting and fishing. It seems to me that they've lost their focus on that core mission, and decided to become involved with backing candidates, backing initiatives that go beyond hunting and fishing, and just in general becoming a political force. Some might say they've gotten "too big for their britches."

Not for me, any more. And that's a shame because Im sure there are many others who believe in the core mission but not everything else that comes with it these days.

A wise man is frequently humbled.