Originally Posted by mitchellmountain
Originally Posted by SLM
If hunters numbers are in a decline I’m not seeing it in NM.

Seems we’re breaking application numbers every year.

Most of our hunter safety classes fill up within hours and I see more people in the field every year.

The orange army in PA is drastically declining, hunters ed classes that used to have 30-40 students have single digits in some cases. I hunted almost every legal day in Pa for spring turkey, many different properties public and private, never met another hunter, period. Last year ran into one. Deer season is more , but not even close to my early years . The economy is good, plenty of expendable income, the once in a lifetime trip can now be an annual event. Since I didn’t draw where I was planning out west, and really want to take my son I might just hunt the PA big woods.


My last yr hunting in Colorado we ran into a lot of guys from Pennsylvania. Saw one fella get his first elk, he was like a kid on Christmas morning. I told them that was one hell of drive, they said they only stopped for gas and food. Great guys glad they got themselves an elk.

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.