Colorado changed their draw last year.... and it amounted to a huge increase in NR apps. I didn’t draw a tag that any other year I would have easily drawn... and I was a little pissed about it. BUT... a bunch of my buddies applied, when they wouldn’t have before.... so I got to help my brother, and a couple other pards, shoot deer.... I wouldn’t have had that opportunity otherwise.

I get it man... often, it’s tough to look at the impact beyond our front door. But, if all hunters felt and acted like you are now... then hunting would cease to exist... as those guys would work very hard to keep it to themselves.

It’s hard to believe it sometimes.... especially when you hump your ass 4 miles into the schitt... only to see a half dozen orange vests scattered around a particular basin.... but we really do need more hunters. Even if that means some of us have to get the occasional short end of the stick.

Furthermore.... just because you don’t have a tag in your pocket... doesn’t mean you don’t get to hunt. I “hunted” at least 15 days last year... where I didn’t even pack a rifle. There’s always a kid to take hunting.... unless you’re trying to keep it all for yourself.

You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......