Originally Posted by AcesNeights
PS.....my sympathies for “family farmers” that suck on the teat of Monsanto for their seed and for the poisons they use on our food can KMA.


We grow a lot and buy or trade with other local organic farmers either through our connections or at the local farmers market.

I have always respected farmers but many of them have become partners with the devil (Monsanto) and because of that, along with their endless “woe is me” bullshit whining I’ve come to see the bigger corporate farmers as nothing more than a liberal democrat in a King Ranch pickup with their hand out for as much welfare handouts as their greedy, fat asses can gobble.

This is hilarious....

But at least it's another piece in the puzzle of a dude portraying them self as a conservative, redneck gun guy, that unfortunately lives in Communist Western Washington......

When in fact they are a greenie, left, organic, cob wiper.

You did have us fooled for a while, but you are clearly showing your true colors for the last few months.


Have Dog

Will Travel