Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
I for one minute do not believe even a good soaking in roundup will hurt you. The LD-50 of 2-4D on mammals is much much lower than is the LD-50 of glyphosate.

2-4D is much more toxic than is glyphosate. So why aren't the lawyers going after 2-4D?

Answer, because 2-4D is not part and parcel to any evil GMO plot! can you hear the irony?

What's funny is the greenies
don't like tillage.
The answer is roundup.
The greenies want no-till cropping.
The answer is roundup.
The greenies don't want noxious weeds to grow.
The answer is roundup.
The greenies don't want summer fallow dirt.
The answer is roundup.
The greenies don't like erosion in the fields.
The answer is roundup.
Even non-gmo....
The answer is roundup.

Have Dog

Will Travel