An hour has passed since I opened this and started to read, then ate dinner, put the chickens up, cleaned out the dog's pool and refilled it, and had dessert.

No comments to your latest post DD. Must be because in a very real way you're implying "ecosystem" effects, unknown ones at that. Bad juju around here with some folks methinks.

RE: your Sonar/river issue. Has the State/Feds defined "estuarine"? Or even "apply". By putting it in the reservoir upstream did they "apply" the chemical to "estuarine" waters? Mmmmmmn? Lawyers would likely have a field day with that one.

I'm like you, don't trust them agencies much, especially regarding "big business" tie ins. Not sure what we would do without them though. Go back to the late 1800 and have modern day "chemical barons"?

While reading your latest post with the pics, I began to wonder if some here might think you've been playing with and exposing yourself to too much lead. Perhaps some mercury too, added to make them bullets shinier or something.

Take care, I enjoyed reading your perspective on this topic.


The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men.
In it is contentment
In it is death and all you seek
(Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)

member of the cabal of dysfunctional squirrels?