Well, thanks for taking the time to write that down.

I think you are mostly on the right track there.

One thing that I would say is that Production, Profit and responsible farming practices are not mutually exclusive.

While we mostly labor in a Production driven model, a Profit driven model can actually be better for the environment.

Paradoxically, a Production driven model actually leads to hunger for the planet, and decreased or negative profits for the farmer.

A Profit driven model can actually be better for everyone....farmer and consumer anyway. The middle men get left the fugg out!

As far as nitrogen goes, there are several TONS of N above every acre of land on the planet. Yes it makes good sense to utilize this source of N.

However, even this source of N is not stable.

I tend to see the N problem like a balloon with room air in it.

The object of the game is to not let the balloon hit the floor. If it does is it gone Johnson.

The way to keep your N that you have invested large amounts of capital in, is to keep it working in your fields until it is time to use it in a cash crop.

That means using it to feed living roots, or storing it in root crops like radishes or turnips.

Crop residue.....residue that people sometimes burn or till under......is a great source of N....depending on the crop. That gets into the Carbon Nitrogen ratio though....

Something as simple as tilling a field of wheat stubble into the soil is wasting your N and your C.

Well, I could go on for ever.......but I wont.

I am a member of the Regenerative Ag movement. Top guys in the movement are folks like Ray Archuleta, Gabe Brown, Joel Salatin, Jay Furher.

One funny thing....as far as environmentally sound practices......Organic Farming is just as bad as conventional. In my not so humble opinion anyway.

Anyway, thanks again.


Militant Farmer and Environmentalist,

Jim F'ing Conrad

I am MAGA.