I guess I do not view cartridges as opposing, just different. They are more alike than different.

I have a wealth of experience with the 270 Win, that is why I am comfortable with it, My Dad has used one since 1970. I have used one since 1980. Both of my boys have used them. My wife, nephews etc. I have fired thousands upon thousands of rounds. So I am very familiar and comfortable with a 270 Win.
I may be a looney, but I am a certifiable platinum level 270 looney. I do not know how many different 270's I have owned, 40 maybe 50? confused

I always get a good laugh when people naysay it, especially when I know they are FOS with no actual 270 experience. I do enjoy good natured joking about different cartridges though. grin

Arcus Venator