Originally Posted by Nathan13
Ask any older guys who were drafted into military service exactly how many Amish were also subjected to the same service. You all already know the answer. None. They don't deserve any religious freedom. Let alone using it for an excuse for everything. They're vermin.
Rather harsh assessment of hardworking people who are absolutely doing important duty (low input farming) and not using up government money. And if we all would refuse to fight in foreign adventures think how rich we'd be as a nation.
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Rene, The ones I know, if they are paying less taxes, they are more than making up for it with unused social services, law enforcement, jails, and courts.The Mennonites around here, the Friends in a neighboring town, and our little group of Brethren could teach the rest of the nation some valuable lessons about raising youth to be productive citizens instead of leaches on society.
That's how I feel about them. What if they kill a few deer? Bet they use every scrap.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Hebrew Roots Judaizer