I obviously speak of the common "bully in school, now can't stand to answer to anybody, get pissed off because big bad police officer writes me a ticket or has the audacity to stop me, can't bully the cop, so now I'll go home and kick the dog and beat the wife" type loudmouth. See them all the time.

Either that, or you've got the "daddy's girl" who has been told all her life she can do no wrong, taught that if she squirts a few tears that she'll get her way, and then throws a temper tantrum when that doesn't work. They're the "princesses" with the "gifts" of gold, and cannot handle it when that so called "gift" don't buy them any leverage with a guy who could give two chits.

I swear, if an LEO was accused of breaking a window to rescue a baby from a burning building, there are those in this forum who would have problems with it. Everyone in the world has the right to be innocent until proven guilty, except LEO's, right?

Hey, I've been given bogus tickets before myself. Got pulled over by some bored Kansas trooper once. Said I was doing 75 in a 65. Bullchit. Had the cruise set to 65, and had the speedometer checked by radar before I left on my trip. It was dead nuts on. Then the jerkoff says "I had to do 85 to catch up to you". What the hell does that mean? If I was doing 66 mph, he could have done 100 to catch up to me, don't mean I was speeding. But, you put it together...bored trooper, and an out of stater (won't come back to contest). That equals a ticket from an azzhole. Don't make them all, or even the majority bad. Certainly doesn't make me think all LEOs are azzholes out on some power trip.

And, how many of us here have had an officer pull us over for something we know damn well we were doing wrong, and let us go with a verbal? I know it's happened to me a few times...more times than I've been stopped without apparent cause (which was just the once), that's for sure. Got pulled over last year in Nevada doing 80 in a 65. Wasn't paying attention, and told the officer as much when he asked me why I was speeding. I was polite and courteous, and accepted responsability for my screw up. Told him I was aparently too busy searching out a can of almonds to notice the slower speed limit sign at the top of the hill. What do you know, I was let off with a verbal. Treat an officer with couresy and respect, and he'll likely do the same in return. Get mouthy and be an azzhole, and he'll likely return the favor. Funny how that works....

And one last thing. I doubt there is 1 out of 5 cars on the road that would not have legitimate reason for a traffic stop if I were to follow them for a reasonable distance without the driver being aware of my presence. PC for a stop is pathetically easy to obtain. If you don't believe me, pick up a copy of your state vehicle code sometime and browse through it. You'll be amazed at the number of infractions you probably break without even knowing it. There is almost no reason to ever even need to manufacture a reason for a stop, because they're just not that hard to come by.

Guns are responsible for killing as much as Rosie O'Donnel's fork is responsible for her being FAT.