Originally Posted by dimecovers5
True Story on shotgun fit:

I shot Trap and Skeet every Saturday morning with an older guy that worked at the same gun shop I did. My mom would drop me off and he would get us to work before the store opened at 10:00 am I was 14-15 at the time. I had run 95-96 many times in Trap with one gun or another, but always choked at running 100 straight. A few years later I was home from my first year of college and went to the range with a girl I was trying to impress. I rented a cheap Winchester autoloader (1200, 1400?) anyway I never let on to the kid that pulled for me that I had done this before and he was stunned when I hit 25 ( what I had paid for ) and asked if I wanted to keep going. On the 100 shot and and hundred broken clays he was losing it! He ran into the club house and started recounting to everyone in earshot the newbie that busted 100 straight with a rented gun and cotton balls stuffed in his ears. I never let on but I learned that day that cheap Winchester fit me and I found one for sale at Roses Dime Store ca. 1982 and bought it for about $125 on sale. It jammed constantly on anything I ran in it so I sold it frustration. Have got two 870's now and still hope I come across a Greystone one day. And if I do it will go everywhere with me rain or shine!

Great story! Thanks. The Beretta O/U 20 gauge 686s are where I stopped my search for fit though I confess an AYA and a London Best Wm Evans reside in the safe because one needs a proper double somedays. wink

"Hill is one of my favorite authors. I also advise you to pick up a couple George Bird Evans', Burton Spiller and William Harden Foster books"

Especially if you're a dedicated grouse hunter!

"Rhetoric is no substitute for reality." -Thomas Sowell