Fairly typical behavior in my neck of the woods in south central PA and western MD, back in the day when there were actually pheasants to be had. More than once I flushed cockbirds out of coverts consisting of edge cover in woods clearings whilst grousing. On a few occasions my pard and I debated whether to load with high-vel 6's or #8 target loads for grouse, knowing that anything could get up in front of us. (Often we compromised and I would stuff my barrels with light 8's and he would go with heavy 6's. Usually we were only kidding ourselves as it never worked out as planned. But, hint: 7/8 oz. of 8's will knock down a pheasant quite handily, as long as you don't try to rake the shot charge straight up its back at a shallow angle on a directly going away shot.)

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty