Originally Posted by Dustyone
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Dustyone
There was no excessive heat, and heat itself does not kill it accelerates dehydration that was not found, these people were murdered and they know why and are not saying for fear of starting a panic
Dustyone: Tell us what happened please. Tell us who the terrorists are, their motive in choosing these hikers, and most importantly the method used. Standing by.
The purpose of a terrorist is to cause terror. This is what the government is trying to prevent by covering up the cause of death, which was murder by some obvious means. The fact is that absolutely none of the causes of death proposed here can not easily be detected by autopsy and that no one posting gas theories knows that gas remains in lung tissue after death and can be detected.
The only thing strange about these deaths is that the government is hiding the cause
There is a serious hole in the terrorist theory. Terrorists act in such a way that it is very apparently a terrorist attack. Otherwise it won't terrorize. The government covering up an accidental ET alien aircraft crash makes sense but terrorists wouldn't let their actions be covered up. What do you theorize was the cause of death?

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."