Originally Posted by Dustyone
Originally Posted by Greyghost
Carbon Monoxide is nearly the same weight as air, and easily circulates with the flow of a breeze. As to the trail being near the top of a hill, not hardly.


Wrong Carbon Dioxide is heavier than air. Apparently, carbon dioxide had been accumulating from underground springs and was being held down by the water in the lake. When the billion cubic yards of gas finally burst out, it traveled low to the ground—it is heavier than air—until it dispersed. Lake Nyos must now be constantly monitored for carbon-dioxide accumulation

Is this Elkslayer reincarnated?

A billion cubic yards of air mysteriously trapped underwater????????

Duh, air bubbles to the top when released underwater. Even air as dense as CO2. No matter what the temperature gradients might be.

Unless that air is held under water by the invisible hand of ..........Buddha?????????????

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.