Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by smokepole
How many fat cyclists do you see riding around? And I don't mean fat tourists on rentals or people on ebikes, I mean people who ride regularly. Like I said, you can make a ride as easy or as strenuous as you want. Not surprising that a scooter rider wouldn't know that.

PS, I'm glad you agree that cyclists are singular human beings. But there is more than one purpose for a bicycle. Some people have been known to race them in competition and make millions of dollars doing it.

I see fat bicyclists all day, every day. They are a constant.

Racing stupid is still stupid.

If you want to exercise do core lifts and run. Otherwise you're just aspiring to stay eight years old your entire life.

LOL, the fugging exercise police. You sure do like to mind other people's business. Who said riding a bike is the only exercise I get, wasn't me, I'm in the gym all the time. And recommending running over cycling to someone you know nothing about is the height of stupidity. And you may see fat people on bikes, but they're not cyclists. They're fat people on bikes.

A wise man is frequently humbled.