Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by krp
Again... pedestrians have right of way and bicyclists don't like it... ironic...


It's what some pedestrians do with their right of way (or rather don't do) that I don't like. That being, hog the trail so that faster traffic can't pass.

Irony... you don't like so you complain.

And there is a difference on cars driving on roads where there are traffic laws vs recreational travel ways. And driving to the recreational travel ways is not recreating, or to work, or to the store, or movies, or on vacation.

Cars vs cyclists 'in' the roadway and cyclists vs pedestrians on recreational travel ways, It's about the disparity in speeds and the hazard this presents. Cyclists want it both ways.

I didn't bring up the subject of this thread, but do see the irony, and irony can be a source of humor.
