Originally Posted by Kaleb
Honest question with no agenda when I ask this. I wonder what is better for killing a lesser recoiling rifle running on all 8 cylinders or a larger chambering throttled down?

Lotta factors come into play.
Bullet performance, placement, I believe diameter and bullet weight can matter....

Placement and velocity are undisputable keys though.

Placement is obvious.

Velocity is overlooked mostly.

A bullet is inert when stationary. Gotta be moving to be worthwhile.
Faster is better, as long as construction matches speed.
More damage, faster kills. And then, placement enters the room.
Head, or neck shots don't count. A 22 works well there.

You question isn't specific so my answer can't be.

I'd rather use 300 Savage speed 30-06 than some little rounds as a general gun.
Load a 30 down to 223 recoil and I'm probably wanting the 223.

Elmer Keith had a phrase, something about like,

I like my hunting to be before the shot, not after.

Sums up my feelings perfectly.
I like to see the animal on the ground before I'm reloaded.
Head,neck, or rib shot.
Or, a solid red line to where it died.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!