"I don't like recoil either. It gives me headaches. I avoid further damage to my brain by shooting lower recoiling rifles and shotguns."

The late Jack O'Connor once said something to the effect that some people may have had their brains scrambled from too much shooting of hard kicking rifle." Not the exact words but that was the general meaning. he opined they might be getting a mild concussion from the recoil. I think he might be right.

One poster on this thread said, "I don't like recoil either. It gives me headaches." I guess it all depends on the cartridge and I think recoil velocity. I can shoot my Ruger #1 .375 H&H fairly comfortably but my Winchester M70 Stainless Classic .338 Win. mag. hits my shoulder like a sledge hammer and my head snaps back like a cracked whip. I sometimes hear a clicking noise and have an almost instant headache. I've just about retired that rifle.

Our forefathers did not politely protest the British.They did not vote them out of office, nor did they impeach the king,march on the capitol or ask permission for their rights. ----------------They just shot them.