Originally Posted by Redneck
This has caused one of them to buy a Canon 1DmkIII like mine and he's thrilled,
For eight grand, he better be thrilled...
After 7 (WOW) Canons, they BETTER send you an overnite ship label.. If I sold a customer 7 rifles, I'd be doing the same thing. You can bet your sweet bippy on that!..

At this juncture don't you think you could tone down your fan boyism just a bit and at least make some minimal effort to post accuratly? A 1DmkIII is a hair over 4k not 8. Your so busy knocking Canon and accusing others of being fan boys it's comical. You don't even have a grip on FF Vs crop let alone RAW conversion, pixel density or Dynamic range. Dare I even mention........Noise and AF speed?
Honestly I've never known any one who has bought an $1800+ P&S before. It's been entertaining.
Congrats! laugh
