Well I just added the canon 1.4 Extender as well, and will soon be adding a case for all this stuff. So the 2700 mark is soon approaching!

However,........the list of kit VTi shows also includes an additional battery, an additional a 12volt charger, and the Sandisk card reader, and an additional 2gb memory card for it. That is a lot of stuff, plenty to accomplish what I need for the near future.

By the way, there was such a very important and delightful benefit to this that I'm so pleased to report. I've had this camera almost 2 weeks now. I installed the battery after the initial charge. I have been using this same battery since then and I have fooled around with this camera endlessly. The battery guage shows it's still full! I think a fella could easily use this as much as he wanted over the course of a week. So with my two batteries now, I may have enough resource for close to a month of use now. With the 12VDC charger I bought, I can also keep one topped off while driving around the bush now as well.

The Documents with the camera say you can take 750 photo's with the battery fully charged and using the flash for 1/2 of them. I felt that was wishful thinking. Now I'm thinking it may have been conservative!

Buying the 30D rather then the XTi was worth it for the better power system alone! At least for the remote user as I am.

Are you living your life, or just paying bills until you die?
When you hit the pearly gates I want to be there just to see the massive pile of dead 5hit at your feet. ( John Peyton)