In my collection, I have the FBI training video for this. they give an overview, interview some of the agents that were there, and they re-enact it minute by minute, at the scene.

Basic issues were
- no standardized firearm, permit to carry 5rd snubbies.
- requirement o carry FMJ in autos for reliability
- agents were allowed to wear glasses
- only some agents carried body armor with them, none wore it
- lack of effective gunfight training for agents

Many agents at the time had had little to no real combat/gunfight training. Most were allowed to carry a variety of weapons, and at that time, the revolver was still highly favored for most police work. In the initial fight, one agent shot one of the two bad guys with a FMJ 9mm round in the lungs. this is a kill shot, but the FMJ did not expand, so he had to bleed out, and that took time. Several agents interviewed said that they were awed by the loud firing of the mini-14, and several agents heard whizzing near them, and not all even knew that it was the sound of bullets. One of the agents was hit in the hand, and was unable to reload his 5-shot snubbie after it was dry. One of the best shots that was ther had his glasses knocked off at the start, and he could not even see more than a few yards without the - he was shot & killed while trying to figure out where others were.

Psalm 19:14-May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Humble servant of Jesus Christ. Living His plan and praying to show it in name, word, body, and light.